Employment Policy

Employment Policy Statement


Once you have accepted an assignment, it is your responsibility to complete that assignment. I agree to immediately notify Service Specialists at the end of my assignment and at least once per week until I am placed on another assignment. If I fail to give such notice or fail to maintain contact, Service Specialists may assume that I am not available for reassignment and am not ready, willing or able to work. Failure to maintain contact for future assignments may result in unemployment benefits being denied. As a temporary employee working for Service Specialists you have the right to reject any temporary placement assignment.


If you are going to be absent or late, report to your job-site supervisor and Service Specialists prior to the beginning of your shift. If the phone is unattended, the voicemail will activate, select option 1. Tardiness, unreported absence, or patterns of absence is cause for dismissal. Be at work on time!


Except in an emergency, do NOT make or receive calls on the job. NO cell phones or pagers are allowed on the job!

Dress Code

Dress according to type of work assigned. Dress clean and neat. Each of our customers require their own business appropriate attire. You will be made aware of the appropriate dress by your Recruiter. If you have questions about the type of clothing required at your assignment, please ask immediately. No baggy pants below the waist that show your underwear are allowed. Absolutely no profanity or vulgarity of any kind should be displayed on your clothing. Wear safety shoes, goggles, hard hats or other safety equipment required. PROTECTION makes YOU safer.


All testing will be done at Service Specialists. Authorization is hereby given to release drug/alcohol test results to Service Specialists and its’ customers. Job offers are contingent on satisfactory results of test and background checks.

Background Investigations

I authorize Service Specialists to obtain background information, for purposes of employment. I further authorize Service Specialists to release this information to their customer. Offers of employment are contingent on receiving satisfactory background information results.

On the Job Injuries

Report the injury immediately to your site supervisor and to Service Specialists at (601) 898-1085. If you are injured at work, do not clock out without reporting the work related injury to Service Specialists. You will be required to take a drug/alcohol test if you are injured on the job while an employee of Service Specialists. In most cases, if it is determined that the injured was under the influence of drugs/alcohol, the company is not liable and insurance does not pay.


Safety is your #1 concern, and it is Service Specialists too. Observe all safety rules of the company where you are assigned. Use common sense and caution on the job. Operating a forklift, working with machinery, walking through a warehouse, etc. demands that you be alert and watch your surroundings at all times. Absolutely no sleeping, dozing off, or resting with eyes closed will be allowed during work hours while on the clock working for Service Specialists.


Do not discuss your wages with anyone. Discussing your wages with another employee is grounds for immediate termination.


It is your responsibility to make sure your time card is turned in on time. Time cards must be submitted by 10:00 a.m. Monday morning. Falsifying time cards, clocking others in or out, or forging someone else’s signature is considered theft and is grounds for immediate termination.

Work Environment

Service Specialists is pledged to preserving a work environment free from harassment of any kind. Sexual harassment or any other form of harassment is against the law and can be considered a form of gender discrimination. The aim of our policy is to prevent harassment of any kind by anyone employed by or associated with the company.

Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or unwanted sexual attention by anyone associated with the company, whether male or female. Harassment may include references to employment status or conditions or may serve to create a hostile, intimidating, or uncomfortable work environment. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, lewd jokes and comments, sexual depictions, repeated requests for dates, touching, staring, or sexual conduct committed either on or off the job.

All Service Specialists employees are responsible for helping ensure that their workplace is kept free of harassment of any kind. If you feel you have been harassed, report the behavior to our office immediately. If you have witnessed sexual harassment, you are urged to report it so that action may be taken.

All complaints will be treated seriously, kept as confidential as possible, and investigated fully. Service Specialists expressly forbids any retaliation against employees for reporting harassment. If, however, the company finds that false charges have been filed, disciplinary action may be taken against anyone who provides false information.

Service Specialists will not tolerate the following:

  • Epithets (either of race or other demeaning form
  • Profanity of any type
  • Negative stereotyping
  • Slurs
  • Threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to the above characteristics
  • Written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group because of the above characteristics, and that is placed on walls, bulletin boards, or elsewhere on the premises, or circulated in the workplace
  • Fighting, provoking fights, touching another in an unwanted and unreciprocated form of any kind
  • Bringing any illegal substance or firearm onto the premises of our customers or our office
  • Theft of any item not belonging to the employee, forgery of any document, or stealing of any item will not be tolerated and is grounds for immediate termination

Any activity that is illegal can and will be prosecuted with the appropriate authorities.

I acknowledge that my employment is (at will); I may resign at any time and the company may terminate my employment with or without cause.

Provide your signature to certify that you have read and acknowledge the above Employment Policy.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY

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