Ken Wilbanks
Assistant Site Manager
ken.wilbanks@horneccic.comAfter attending the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Ken moved to Jackson where he began a 10-year career at The Clarion-Ledger. He left The Clarion-Ledger to become Madison County’s first-ever public information officer. Ken has also been a pharmaceutical sales rep and worked for Eaves Law Firm and the City of Madison.

A native of Memphis, Tennessee, Ken met his beautiful wife of 31 years, Lynn, while attending The University of Mississippi. They live in Madison and have three sons—Mason, Jamison, and Peyton, who all graduated from Madison Central High School.
When not at the office, Ken can be found in Oxford, buying groceries for Peyton and enjoying Ole Miss football, basketball, and baseball games. He is anxiously awaiting becoming a grandfather, whenever Jamison and his wife, Megan, decide to become parents. Ken was told by his daughter-in-love that it would be five years (the beautiful couple just celebrated their one-year anniversary), but she’s added an additional year each time he’s asked. At last count, Ken now has 11 years to wait.